Introduction to enhanced oil recovery eor processes and. Coal bed methane, shale gas, oil shale, gas hydrate, and heavy oil. Chart and diagram slides for powerpoint beautifully designed chart and diagram s for powerpoint with visually stunning graphics and animation effects. The potential of microorganisms to degrade heavy crude oil to reduce viscosity is considered to be very effective in meor. Ebook fundamentals of enhanced oil recovery as pdf. Synergistic effect of biosurfactant and nanoparticle mixture. The application of microbial enhanced oil recovery to trinidadian oil wells. Download gate 2020 syllabus for petroleum engineering pdf. Click download or read online button to get fungi algae protozoa and viruses book now. Recent advance of microbial enhanced oil recovery meor in china. Thus, more advanced technologies are being implemented in the oil industry today to recover the trapped oil under the program. Our new crystalgraphics chart and diagram slides for powerpoint is a collection of over impressively designed datadriven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience. Crude oil is the major source of energy worldwide being exploited as a source of economy, including oman. Winner of the standing ovation award for best powerpoint templates from presentations magazine.
Microbial enhanced oil recovery represents a threepronged attack. Screening eor property hc gas co2 n2flue css steam sagd hot water polymer asp oil api 3040 22 40 835 820 712 1035 15 20. The ultimate aim of meor is to improve the recovery of oil entrapped in porous media while increasing economic profits. Ppt microbial enhanced oil recovery powerpoint presentation. The microbes consume the nutrients and then reproduce and create metabolites according to the monod model of bacteria. Isbn 9789535106296, pdf isbn 9789535162117, published 20120523. The mior method is the use of microorganisms and their metabolic activities.
The selection and design of a microbial enhanced oil recovery meor process for application in a specific field involves geological, reservoir, and biological characterization. Enhanced oil recovery eor process recovers oil not produced by primary or secondary recovery improves sweep efficiency in the reservoir by the injection of materials not normally present can reduce remaining oil saturation produce oil trapped by capillary forces residual oil produce oil in areas not flooded by earlier injections bypassed. Delivering value with an optimized microbial control. Microbial enhanced oil recovery process download research. The treatment applied to the water is based, at least in part, upon establishing at least one condition in the oilbearing formation favorable to microbial. Microbial biosurfactants production, applications and future. Microbial enhanced oil recovery meor is a biological based technology consisting in manipulating function or structure, or both, of microbial environments existing in oil reservoirs. Meor is a tertiary oil extraction technology allowing the partial recovery of the commonly. Microbial enhanced oil recovery meor is simulated by injecting a microbe and nutrient mix into the reservoir. Spe 154690 new frontiers in eor methodologies by application. These results are useful in extending the application of nanostructures in ex situ microbial enhanced oil recovery.
Microbial enhanced oil recovery free download as powerpoint presentation. Experimental and numerical study of microbial improved oil. Microbially mediated oil recovery mechanisms biogenic gas, biopolymers, and biosurfactants are defined by the types of microorganisms used. Microbial enhanced oil recovery 73 great deal of rocks and fluids sampling and also laboratory investigations. Microbial enhanced oil recovery moer is one of the many. Microbial enhanced oil recovery meor process utilizes reservoir microorganisms in situ or specially selected bacteria to use their metabolic products exsitu.
This technique has the potential to be costefficient in the extraction of oil remained trapped in capillary pores of the formation rock or in areas not swept by the classical or modern enhanced oil recovery eor methods, such as combustion, steams, miscible displacement. They all, however, focus on how to recover more oil faster, taking a rather myopic approach. Evaluation of a microbial consortium for crude oil spill. In this study, the biosurfactant produced by pseudomonas aeruginosa was evaluated in view of its ability to be used in microbial enhanced oil recovery meor. Ebook fundamentals of enhanced oil recovery as pdf download. Use the download button below or simple online reader. Download product flyer is to download pdf in new tab. In recent years that reaching oil price to its minimum amount has become a critical issue in petroleum industry, microbial enhanced oil recovery meor is a main topic of interest in energy researches as an environmentfriendly and low operating cost treatment technology. The implementation of eor is intimately tied to the price of oil and overall economics. Microbial enhanced oil recovery through deep profile control.
Microbial enhanced oil recovery meor represents the use of microorganisms to extract the remaining oil from reservoirs. Fundamentals of enhanced oil recovery top results of your surfing fundamentals of enhanced oil recovery start download portable document format pdf and ebooks electronic books free online rating news 20162017 is books that can provide inspiration, insight, knowledge to the reader. Meor also follows the basic eor principle of enlarging. Microbial enhanced oil recovery refers to the use of microorganisms to retrieve additional oil from existing wells, thereby enhancing the petroleum production of an oil reservoir. There have been many books on the topic of enhanced oil recovery eor over the last 100 years. Review article recent advance of microbial enhanced oil recovery meor in china haicheng she,1 debin kong,2 yiqiang li,2 zaiqiang hu,1 and hu guo 2,3 1school of civil engineering and architecture, xi an university of technology, xian, 710048 shaanxi, china 2state key laboratory of petroleum resources and prospecting, china university of petroleumbeijing, beijing 102249, china.
Wed like to understand how you use our websites in order to improve them. The everrising global demand for energy and the issue of large volumes of unrecovered oil after primary and secondary oil production operations are driving the development andor advancement of enhanced oil recovery eor techniques. We revisit and develop models for biosurfactantproducing bacteria. The activities of microbes used in meor method relies on the physical and chemical circumstances. Synergistic effect of biosurfactant and nanoparticle. The failure of microbial enhanced oil recovery meor technology is associated to a major factor which is the inadequate analysis of the conditions which classify oil reservoirs and the physiology of microbes which thrives under these conditions. Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of. Microbial enhanced oil recovery meor is one of the tertiary recovery. Of the various options available for using microbes to improve well productivity. Fungi algae protozoa and viruses download ebook pdf, epub. Microbial enhanced oil recovery meor microdiversion.
Gate 2020 syllabus for petroleum engineering pe download pdf. Residual oil is trapped after implying waterflooding. This site is like a library, use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. Fundamental aspects of microbial enhanced oil recovery. This paper presents a bigpicture overview of eor technologies with the focus on challenges and opportunities. Improving oil recovery through microbial enhanced technique. Selectively plug the highpermeability zones thief zones and improve the sweeping efficiency by stimulating the beneficial insitu microbes with the nutrients put new aeros microdiversion machinery at your well site to improve your oil recovery and reduce your water cut new aero technologys activated environment for. Us8826975b2 systems and methods of microbial enhanced oil. Theyll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance the kind of sophisticated look that todays audiences expect. To our knowledge, this is the first report of conditional biopolymerproducing strains used in microbial enhance oil recovery meor. First, the microorganisms break down crude oil, reducing its viscosity. Application of rhamnolipid biosurfactant produced by.
Also explore the seminar topics paper on microbial enhanced oil recovery with abstract or synopsis, documentation on advantages and disadvantages, base paper presentation slides for ieee final year chemical engineering chem or ieee chemical btech, be, mtech students for the year 2015. Microbial activity can lead to formation of a biofilm on the rock surface and the oil water interface. Asghar gandomkar examination committee chairperson. Conventional eor processes include thermal, immiscible and miscible gas injection, chemical, and microbial enhanced oil recovery meor, among others. The engineering and biological character of a given reservoir must be. Microbial enhanced oil recovery advanced reservoir simulation nielsen, sidsel marie publication date. In this technique, microorganisms are introduced into oil wells to produce harmless byproducts, such as slippery natural substances or gases, all of which help.
In the us alone the original oil in place has been estimated to be 650 billion barrels, a major part of which is the target of improved and advanced oil recovery methods. Pdf microbial biotechnology for enhancing oil recovery. Fungi algae protozoa and viruses download ebook pdf. An introduction to enhanced oil recovery techniques to better understand the differences and advantages of sino australias best practice enhance d oil recovery eor technologies and services, it can be useful to gain insight into the issues eor seeks to address, how these issues have been addressed previously and how technology has.
The file extension pdf and ranks to the research category. Enhanced oil recovery eor processes training course. It is basically a subset of microbial eor in which coinjected micro organisms or nutrients are used for reduction of oil viscosity. Abstractmicrobial enhanced oil recovery meor is a tertiary oil recovery technique that employs the use of microbes and their byproduct to enhance residual oil mobilization in the reservoir. Microbial enhanced oil recovery advanced reservoir. Us8826975b2 systems and methods of microbial enhanced. Jan 26, 2016 improving oil recovery through microbial enhanced technique 1. The future and challenges hikmat said alsalim and ekeh modesty kelechukwu dept. A method of microbial enhanced oil recovery from an oilbearing formation that involves treating the water that is to be injected into the oilbearing formation to enable microbial activity and adding oxygen to aid microbial activity. The interaction between bacteria and surfactant is interesting relation to study.
Worlds best powerpoint templates crystalgraphics offers more powerpoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. In general, eor processes can be classified into four main cate gories as thermal methods, chemical methods, miscible or solvent injection, and microbial methods. Microbial enhanced oil recovery seminar report, ppt, pdf. This microorganism was isolated from a soil artificially contaminated with crude oil and used to produce rhamnolipid using glycerol as the carbon source. Doe enhanced oil recovery program john poullain, p. Microbial enhanced oil recovery advanced reservoir simulation. Bt16d301 indian institute of technology madras microbial plugging in reservoirs and its implications in microbial eor. The biosurfactant efficiently reduced water surface tension from 72 to. Eor methods best method for enhanced oil recovery from sarvak reservoir and analyse sensitive parameters arzhang nabilou thesis to obtain the master of science degree in petroleum engineering supervisors. Microbial enhanced oil recovery enhanced oil recovery. Microbial biosurfactants production, applications and. The mior process helps mobilizing the residual oil saturation and thereby increases the.
Economically and environmentally sustainable enhanced oil. Enzymes for enhanced oil recovery eor download link 1 download. Micromodel oil displacement experiments with kerosene showed around 10 and 20% recovery of residual oil after water flooding when the emulsan and nanofluid were injected, respectively. Microbial enhanced oil recovery meor is an effective alternative method for oil recovery among other eor methods physical and chemical methods. We revisit and develop models for biosurfactantproducing bacterias. Abstract microbial enhanced oil recovery meor is a tertiary oil recovery technique that employs the use of microbes and their byproduct to enhance residual oil mobilization in the reservoir. Oct 31, 2015 microbial enhanced oil recovery process there is document microbial enhanced oil recovery process available here for reading and downloading. Recent advance of microbial enhanced oil recovery meor. Media for microbial enhanced oil recovery studies using comsol multiphysicsr software mart n a. Enhanced oil recovery books which is known as eor, co2 eor, microbial eor, improved oil recovery, thermal recovery of oil. An overview of field specific designs of microbial eor unt. The need for a cost effective and efficient method led to eeor or enzyme enhanced oil recovery, a process based on the application of enzymes.
In this study, the biosurfactant produced by pseudomonas aeruginosa was evaluated in view of its ability to be used in microbialenhanced oil recovery meor. Eor methods best method for enhanced oil recovery from sarvak reservoir and. Bacteria are the only micro organisms suitable for the process. Protect oil and gas operations with an optimized microbial control program. A microbial improved oil recovery mior method is introduced as the potential method in addition to other eor methods. The flow diagram shows the types of eor processes that are currently employed in the oil industry. The model is then used to run simulations in conjunction with the matlab reservoir simulation toolbox from sintef stiftelsen for industriell og teknisk forskning. An indepth study of the fundamental aspects of enhanced oil recovery eor, this book brings together detailed. Microbial enhanced oil recovery meor is a main topic of interest in energy researches as an environmentfriendly and low operatingcost treatment technology 3, 4.
Microbial enhanced heavy oil recovery by the aid of. Its a lot easier to drive it hundreds of feet upward if flows more like water than maple syrup. Download fungi algae protozoa and viruses or read online books in pdf, epub, tuebl, and mobi format. Compared with other enhanced oil recovery eor techniques like gas flooding, chemical flooding, and thermal production, the prominent advantages of microbial enhanced oil recovery meor include environmentfriendliness and lowest cost. An overview of field specific designs of microbial eor. This course is designed to provide participants with comprehensive understanding of different design aspects, types, screening criteria, and field application of current, advanced and emerging technologies of enhanced oil recovery eor processes. Explore microbial enhanced oil recovery with free download of seminar report and ppt in pdf and doc format. Meor is a general designation of a series of technologies to increase oil production by propagation and metabolites of microbes. Microbial enhanced oil recovery process there is document microbial enhanced oil recovery process available here for reading and downloading.
Pope center for petroleum and geosystems engineering the university of texas at austin casper eor workshop october 26, 2007. An introduction to enhanced oil recovery techniques. A flow and transport model in porous media for microbial. Microbial enhanced oil recovery meor is an important tertiary oil recovery method which is costeffective and ecofriendly technology to drive the residual oil trapped in the reservoirs. The solutions presented all work fantastically in theory and even in the laboratory, but each fails to produce results in the field with longterm success. The biosurfactant efficiently reduced water surface tension from 72 to 35.
Microbial enhanced oil recovery through deep profile. This threehour online course provides the basics of various methods of enhanced oil recovery eor including gas, thermal, chemical and microbial. Enhanced oil recovery eor targets the trapped crude oil. Introduction to enhanced oil recovery eor processes and bioremediation of oilcontaminated sites. Microbial enhanced oil recovery meor is a method that utilises bacteria or bioproducts to increase oil recovery at the tertiary stage. Chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery surfactants to lower the interfacial tension between the oil and water or change the wettability of the rock water soluble polymers to increase the viscosity of the water surfactants to generate foams or emulsions polymer gels for blocking or diverting flow. Among these, microbially enhanced oil recovery meor is among the oldest zobell, 1946. As the price of crude oil increases and crude oil reserves collapse, exploitation of oil resources in mature reservoirs is essential for meeting future energy demands. Microbial enhanced oil recovery meor new aero technology. Chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery surfactants to lower the interfacial tension between. It introduces the processes, problems, fundamental engineering aspects of applications, and the economics basis on which it is implemented.
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